Falling about... or falling down

PUERTO PRINCESSA, PHILIPPINES: These cheeky Badjao kids were in hysterics laughing at me. I had pulled a face after stumbling on their rotting walkway between shanty homes built on stilts over the sea on Palawan Island, Philippines.

I was visiting with organisation called Kanlungan ng Ama (KNA) – The Fathers Shelter – which helps rescued street kids and works with the Badjao sea gypsies. Its staff cut down 50 of their farm trees to rebuild the walkway for the villagers.

The Badjao are a unique people group found across the Philippines and Malaysia, They are a poverty-struck people that make their living on the sea, fishing or collecting pearls.

The main central bridge walkway through the middle of their village was vital for the community to reach their houses and boats, and was in very bad condition. The bridge (as they call it) was falling apart and was patched up with whatever they can find, but people were regularly hurt or fell through. So, KNA worked side-by side with the local Badjao men to replace the bridge.