Schooling that will lift them out of this...

I shot this picture fast before the kids ran up to the camera - or away from it, you never can tell how they will react. No time to aim, just shot from the hip.
It’s mid-
morning and ideally many of these youngsters would be at school, but it rarely happens, too many younger siblings to care for, or no money in the house to pay for the basic supplies that get you into school. It is Namatala slum, after all.
Well, it’s changing, slowly. Child of Hope has built a new school right in the heart of the slum, from where it provides free education, food, clothing and healthcare for kids that would probably never go to school. Ever.  All to give them a massive foot up towards the ideal of a real job and a future.
Everything is stacked against these kids, the gloom and despair in the slum is tangible. But it’s a start, and a big one.